Saturday, March 12, 2011

CaptainSim Boeing 707 Expansions

CaptainSim has released expansion packs to the Boeing 707 for FSX. More information can be found at CaptainSim.

"To continue popular series of Pro Line products Captain Sim is happy
to introduce the 707 Captain family of expansions for FSX."

RealAir Price Reductions on Select Items

RealAir is offering price reductions on their SF260 for FSX, Spitfire for FSX and Scout for FSX. RealAir Simulations

Kandahar Airfield and Bagram AFB for FSX

Dan Mesmer has released Kandahar Airfield v1 and Bagram AFB v3 for FSX. More Information at Mutley's Hangar.
Kandahar Airfield Direct Link    Bagram AFB Direct Link

ImagineSim Kansas City update for FSX

"Ready today is a much improved FSX version of KMCI Kansas City Intl. Aside from the visual improvements, the whole airport operates much more smoothly and efficiently as a consequence of a big code clean-up effort. The update is free to current FSX KMCI owners." More information.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sukhoi 100 Superjet v5 for X-Plane

Ramzzess has released version 5 of his Sukhoi 100 Superjet for X-Plane. More information and purchase here.

Awesome Virtual Cockpit
- Fully functional controls on the panel
- Graphical effects such as fog, reflection, glitter ...
- Glass cockpit
Interactive Computer
- Controls weight, ground crew, checklist, GPU, Fuel, Pushback, Passengers, etc .
Detailed 3D Model
- Highly detailed model throughout. Wingflex. All controls fully animated
- 12+ Liveries in high resolution
3D Custom Sounds
- Engines, doors, GPU, Wipers, public announcement system
Custom Systems
- Plugin driven system to emulate the real behavior of the aircraft

openVFR North America II Sneak Preview

"After the release of openVFR North America we got a lot of encouraging feedback from the flight sim community to continue our development and add even more countries. Many thanks for your comments. Also we are very happy to see that our new free tool for requesting specific areas for the development cycle is used such frequently.", Markus Freyt states. "Fortunately Openstreetmap covers the whole planet with fantastic data for every place. So, when selecting the new countries we have listened to those flight simmers. " openVFR Website

AivlaSoft Electronic Flight Bag Version 1.30

AivlaSoft has released version 1.30 of Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). More information and download at AivlaSoft.
" EFB version 1.3.0 enhances existing charting and route planning – and adds new features:
support for online flying on VATSIM and IVAO™ networks – visible AI / Multiplayer / Online traffic – and new Navigraph
data, including Transition Altitude / Transition Level values." Version 1.30 Press Release

Thursday, March 10, 2011

FSDreamTeam GSX Preview 2 - Catering

FSDreamTeam has posted another preview video of Ground Services X "Catering" on YouTube.

Navigraph NAVData AIRAC Cycle 1103

Navigraph NAVData AIRAC Cycle 1103 is now available for purchase at Navigraph or SimMarket.

Just Flight Comet Professional Dev. Screenshots

Just Flight has posted the first development screenshots from the upcoming Comet Professional for FSX.

Orbx announces Cushman Meadows

Orbx has posted the official announcement for the upcoming Cushman Meadows (KCMW) scenery. Orbx

- Ground imagery at 25/60cm per pixel
- Beautifully modeled airport, huts and docks
- FSX gmax poly runway, aprons and lights
- Spectacular setting in the Olympic Peninsula
- Includes a huge coverage of photoreal area
- Accurate watermasks for the shores & rivers
- New types of vegetation and grasslands
- TextureFlow optimised and excellent FPS
- Includes custom GA AI Traffic movements
- Autogen annotation by Tim Harris
- Includes PeopleFlow animations
- Another Bill Womack masterpiece!

JY43 Hill Top Airport NJ for FSX

Walter Roberts has released JY43 Hill Top Airport NJ for FSX with sloping runway. Download it at AVSIM.

"I was flying around the FSX world looking for a real world sloping airstrip just begging to be modeled with a touchdown tire squealing, smoking rubber - that kind of hardened surface sloping runway after I finally figured out how to persuade the FSX SDK to compile one. The Airfield Candidate shall have high density LiDAR elevation and high resolution Orthoimagery data available for public download. I was flying a Beechcraft Baron 58 over Wanaque Reservoir in Northeast NJ of all places when I happened upon a photo scenery runway on a sloping hill top without the usual FSX flattened airport plateau effect and FSX textured runway. They have missed this one ! Hello JY43. - Wally-Bob"

UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme V2 Demo

Gary Summons has released demo versions of his outstanding Heathrow Xtreme V2 scenery for FSX and FS2004.
EGLL for FSX Demo - EGLL for FS2004 Demo

US Cities Las Vegas at Night

Mathijs Kok has posted a preview screenshot of the night textures for their US Cities Las Vegas screnery for FSX.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Earth Simulations The Channel Isles - Guernsey

Earth Simulations has posted preview screenshots of their upcoming The Channel Isles - Guernsey scenery for FSX.

More Screenshots of FSDreamTeam Los Angeles Intl.

New screenshots of FSDreamTeam Los Angeles Intl. (KLAX) have been posted in the FSDreamTeam Forums.

Flight Simulator Navaids Update

Hervé Sors has released updated Navaids for FSX and FS2004 on his website. Flight Simulator Navaids Page

Adacalc Version 2.42 by Hervé Sors

Hervé Sors has updated Adacalc to version 2.42. More information and download on the Adacalc Website.

Adacalc is an accurate aeronautical calculator including the following modules:

-ICAO standard and non-standard atmosphere: high precision calculation of all atmosphere parameters (including standard ratio) up to a geometric altitude of 85 km
-Speed calculations: calculation of any speed (CAS, TAS, EAS, Mach, TAT) at a given altitude and temperature, based on exact equations (compressibility equations)
-Changeover level for any IAS-mach pair of values
-Descent calculator: based on a 2/3-step precise numerical integration of constant Mach then constant IAS descent segments
-Density altitude calculation (with humidity correction)
-En route and runway wind calculations
-IFR turn parameters: bank, rate of turn and radius at constant or limited bank and calculation of turn anticipation angles
-Tracks and distance between 2 points from great circle, WGS-84 spheroidal and loxodromic (rhumb line) models
Latitude and longitude calculations from track and distance or radials intersection using great circle and spheroidal equations
-Magnetic variation (from 2005 to 2015) at any world place calculated from IGRF-10/11 and WMM2005/2010 magnetic models (exact equations)
-Sunrise and sunset and twilight time values (UTC or local time) calculated from accurate NOAA algorithms.
-Unit conversions, Stall speed calculation
-Holding pattern data (with wind corrections) and holding entry calculator
-Tiny mathematical calculator
-Aviation weather data (from NOAA) and customizable aviation data links (with provided default set)

autotower for FS2004 version 2.2.0

Christoph Langguth has updated autotower for FS2004 to version 2.2.0.  Direct Download

"There has been a slight modification of the scenery layer detection, and warnings about ignored layers have been "downgraded" to informational messages. In addition, airports with a tower altitude of -1000m or less are ignored (as per user request for a very special setup). Note that the default log level has been changed, so if you're using a custom configuration file, you may need to update the LogLevel setting in autower.ini."

US Cities X Cleveland now available

Aerosoft has released the latest product in the US Cities X series, Cleveland Ohio. More information at Aerosoft.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Guess the next Wilco Publishing Title

1. GUESS the next Wilco Publishing title for Flight Simulator by looking at the 'work-in-progress' pictures below.

Clues :

Few people can get on board
It is fearsome
Lift off !

2. FILL IN our Contact Form with 'GUESS & WIN' as SUBJECT. The content must ONLY state your proposal (only one proposal per e-mail).

No e-mail confirmation will come, no reply to questions.

3. Few days before the official announcement, the DRAWING will select 5 WINNERS among the right answers received.

Winners' names will be stated on this site, product page.

Enter Here

iFly 737 for FSX Beta involved in Landing Incident

iFly has posted a few screenshots of their 737 for FSX, depicting an incident during beta testing. iFly Forums

Monday, March 7, 2011

Aerosoft Diamond DA20-100 'Katana' 4X Feature List

Mathijs Kok has posted the feature list to the upcoming Diamond DA20-100 'Katana' 4X in the Aerosoft Forums.

- Wear and damage can encounter and will be stored. Fluids will be used and the aircraft can get dirty. Maintenance and services are available. Flight hours and landings will be counted and special features unlocked.
- No wear and damage will be simulated. Aircraft stays clean. Flight hours and landings are not locked. No special features.
Aircraft is as new every reload. Wear and damage can encounter or be triggered but will not be stored. Fluids will be used and the aircraft can get dirty. Flight hours and landings will not be counted and no special features are available. Instructor Panels are available.
- Airframe limitations are simulated
- Trim tabs can be bend on ground
- Controls can get damaged
- Controls can freeze
- Flaps can get damaged
- Flaps motor can get damaged
- Wheel fairings can be attached/detached
- Wheel fairings can get damaged
- Aircraft can get dirty
- Canopy can be opened and closed stepless
- Canopy can be opened and closed by airflow
- Canopy locking mechanism
- Canopy can break off
- Canopy can get covered by ice
- Elevator can get damaged by canopy
- Cowling can be opened
- Oil Access Door can be opened
- Fuel Tank Cover can be opened
Engine (Rotax 912S)
- Engine damage and wear
- Engine cooling by air and fluid
- Carburetor Simulation
- Carburetor can get plugged
- Carb Heat
- Starter simulation
- Starter can get damaged
- Starter low voltage simulation
- Engine Start due Windmilling
- Engine Start due turning the Propeller by hand
- Choke Simulation
- Engine Windmilling
- Propeller damage and wear
- Propeller Governor simulated
- Propeller ground contact
- Propeller damage by dust
- Propeller turnable by hand
- Propeller pitch change by hand
Oil System
- Oil usage simulated
- Two sorts of Oil: SAE20 / SAE40
- Oil quantity check
- Turning propeller or running engine draws oil out of the cylinders
- Oil Filter
- Oil temperature and pressure simulation
Fuel System
- Carburetor simulation
- Fuel pumps and pipes simulation
- Fuel in pipes can be burned
- Fueling simulation
- Fuel dip stick
- Fuel tank cover
- Water in fuel
- Water draining
Electrical System
- Complex Battery simulation
- Complete Elec Circuits
- Switches
- Relays
- Circuit Breakers
- Generator simulation
- Generator wear and damage
- Displays flicker and brightness
- Elec power on starter simulated
- 3d Gauges with smooth animations
- Needle movements and vibrations simulated
- Gyros simulated
- Attitude Indicator simulation
- Compass card simulation
- Wet Compass acceleration and turning error
- Pitot Tube and Static Port simulation
- Pitot Tube, Static Port and Stall Warning can get plugged
- Units operation simulted: Navigation and Communication is only possible with operating devices
- Simple mode: Units can be operated in simple mode for being compatible with hardware
- KX125 TSO
- Unit can be turned off
- Unit has circuit breaker
- Unit can be damaged
- Frequencies are stored
- Standby frequencies
- Engaging direct frequency control due holding the transfer buttons
- Modes: CDI, BRG and RAD
- Auto-TO
- Independant OBS display
- KT76A
- Unit can be turned off
- Unit can be damaged
- Unit has circuit breaker
- Transponder warmup simulated
- GPS500 (FSX default)
- Unit can be turned off
- Unit has circuit breaker
- Brightness can be adjusted
- GNS530 (by Reality XP, not included in the product)
- GPS500 can be replaced by the GNS530 directly in the simulator
- Cabin temperature simulated
- Cabin airflow simulated
- Wing icing
- Stall warning icing
- Controls icing
- Canopy icing
- Pitot and static port icing
- Dirt
- Insects
Visual Effects
- Motion and vibration effects
- Aircraft and parts influenced by propeller wind
- Realistic and switchable lighting effects
- Adjustable panel lighting
- Bumpmapping on exterior and virtual cockpit
Sound Effects
- Complex sound enviroment
- Every lever, switch has its own sound
Graphical User Interface
- All settings can be done in FSX
Preflight Panels
- Ground equipment and fixation
- Towbar
- Walkaround check
- Trim tabs
- Fuel station, fuel drain and dipstick
- Oil and liquids
- Payload
- Aircraft cleaning
Maintenance Panels
- Equipment: Change avionics or attach/detach wheel fairings
- Workshop: Inspection, repairing or replacing parts and systems
- Service: Replace or refill liquids, replacing or reloading battery etc.

FlightDream Oakland X New Sceenshots

FlightDream has posted more screenshots from their upcoming Oakland X scenery for FSX in the FlightDream Forums.

New Zealand Vector Land Class for FSX

Introducing Vector Land Class, a high fidelity landclass scenery package developed using innovative geo-spatial processing techniques to deliver breathtaking representations of Aotearoa/New Zealand. More Information

DreamFoil Creations Bell 206 Jet Ranger III

DreamFoil Creations has released the Bell 206 Jet Ranger III, now for X-Plane on both Windows and Mac. Details Here.

All Links Checked and Updated

After noticing some outdated and non-functioning links, all the posts have been checked and updated.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Orbx Murray Island (YMUI) released

Orbx has released Murray Island (YMUI) for FSX, more information and download in the Orbx Forums.