Saturday, June 16, 2012

SkyDemon VFR Flight Planner Version 2.4 Beta Updated

SkyDemon has updated the beta version 2.4 of the SkyDemon VFR Flight Planner. Details and Download

Microsoft Flight - Upcoming Title Update Release Notes

The Microsoft Flight Team has posted the release notes for the upcoming update to Microsoft Flight.

New hardware-related functionality:
- Added support for TrackIR
- Added support for axis-based brake control devices
- Added settings specific to Intel Ivy Bridge graphics hardware
New Hangar Marketplace UI:
- Added details page for Marketplace items
- Improved user experience for downloading multiple pieces of DLC
- Added locked/unlocked livery sorting
Map improvements:
- Added globe icon to Main Menu for region selection
- Adjusted map displays for areas with high airport concentration
- Added region-based filtering for Aerocaches
Improved error reporting:
- Added features which allow for more robust error reports from end users
New UI Features:
- Added “Glance” command; when R key is pressed and held, allows player to look toward the closest Point of Interest Marker
New Environment Features and Improvements:
- Added two new weather themes: Heavy Weather and Mixed Weather
- Added new in-cloud effects
- Adjusted coloration of clouds at higher densities to be more realistic
- Adjusted cloud randomization
Bug Fixes:
- Reduced load times across the board
- Adjusted “Skip to Waypoint” feature: players no longer spawn inside intervening terrain pieces
- Fixed issues with double-byte languages (Korean, Japanese & Chinese):
-- Fixed issue causing in-cockpit tooltips to display incorrectly
-- Fixed issue preventing planes from appearing in Hangar after selecting a job from the Job Board
- Fixed graphics issues:
-- Fixed issues in fog layer and cirrus cloud rendering
-- Adjusted reflections to be more realistic (no more giant plane reflections)
-- Fixed vegetation flickering issues
-- Fixed banyan tree rendering
-- Fixed crash that occurred for some users when changing graphics settings during cut scenes
-- Improved in-flight terrain textures for users with Vertical Sync enabled
- Addressed multiple Games for Windows – LIVE related issues which can cause Microsoft Flight to crash
- Addressed multiple issues causing Windows Vista users to experience a crash after completing a mission or challenge
- Fixed multiplayer issues:
-- Reduced bandwidth consumed during multiplayer sessions
-- Fixed error experienced by final users to join multiplayer sessions
-- Fixed multiple crashes that occur during multiplayer sessions
-- Reduced choppiness in rendering other users’ planes during multiplayer

Just Flight General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark - Development Update

Just Flight has posted more details and screenshots from the upcoming General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark for FSX.

Features will include:
- All-animated flying surfaces, landing gear, doors and hatches
- An authentically modelled escape pod, allowing you to jettison yourself from the aircraft in case of an in-flight emergency. 
  Following the jettison process, a parachute will deploy and guide you to a safe touch-down.
- A full range of selectable ordnance
- Variable wing swing is modelled with accurate flap, slat and wing glove operation
- Fully modelled bomb bay
- Iconic ‘dump and burn’ functionality
- Highly accurate flight dynamics closely simulate the real aircraft performance envelope
- Professional standard stereo sound set delivers the full force of the two P&W Turbofan engines

Just Flight - English Electric Lightning - Service Pack Available

Just Flight has released the first service pack to the English Electric Lightning supersonic fighter-interceptor for FSX.

- Port air-brake actuator no longer protrudes through air-brake
- Reheat effects are no longer activated with the engines off
- Reheat effects are now linked individually to each of the throttle levers
- Right aileron now has full movement
- Various improvements to the flight dynamics
- Additional autopilot controls added for ease of use
- Brake parachute handle added
- Heading and course select knobs added
- Flaps and ailerons are now visible from the virtual cockpit
- Master ignition switch is now clickable
- Reheats now activate when throttles are advanced above 95%, as per the real aircraft
- Redtop missiles have been reshaped to more closely match the real missile
- Issue fixed which caused gear to be visible through top of the wing when retracted
- G-meter now reads 1G when aircraft is stationary
- Fuel gauges reduced in size and layout changed to more closely match the real aircraft
- HSI lights altered to more closely match the real aircraft
- Windscreen mounted direction indicator has been moved down windscreen pillar to more closely match the real aircraft
- Texture issue on windscreen frame has been fixed
- Issue with speed-tape protruding from panel has been fixed

Virtavia Douglas A-4F Skyhawk for FSX - More Screenshots

Virtavia has added more preview screenshots from the upcoming Douglas A-4F Skyhawk for FSX at the Product Page.

Vidan Design - Sindal Lufthavn (EKSN) - First Screenshots

Vidan Design has posted the first development screenshots from the upcoming Sindal Lufthavn (EKSN) scenery for FSX.

UK2000 Glasgow Xtreme (EGPF) V3 for FSX and FS2004 Released

UK2000 has released Glasgow Xtreme (EGPF) V3 for FSX and FS2004. Details and purchase at the Product Page.

Changes in Version 3:
- New High res ground images.
- New ground polygons and markings to match image, using 3-4 times more detail
- New changes to actual airport buildings.
- Latest UK2000 model set and lighting
- Existing building textures touched up with shading effects.
- Ambient shadow effect added to ground
- Animation realigned
- FSX now uses purpose made jetways
- New static model set, including GA and Biz-jets
- More airport buildings like hotels and industrial sheds
- Some north road farm buildings
- FS9 VTP roads and terrain
- Better FSX terrain
- Autumn/winter ground image that blend with default
- Blends with Getmapping Scotland photo scenery

Netherlands 2000 Scenery Version 4.03 - More Screenshots

The NL2000 Team has added more screenshots from the upcoming version 4.03 update to Netherlands 2000 for FSX.

SunSkyJet Philadelphia (KPHL) for FSX - New Previews

SunSkyJet has posted new previews from the soon to be released Philadelphia Intl. Airport (KPHL) scenery for FSX.

RLaborie WASP F1 B for FSX Released

Roland Laborie has released the WASP F1 B multirole fighter aircraft for FSX. Now available at SimMarket.

Aircraft Features:
- Flight dynamics are sensational and realistic, it was created by a professional pilot.
- 10 European nationalities are represented.
- Detailed outside and interior model.
- Custom 3D landing lights
- 3D gauges
- Full 3D cockpit, Switchable Forward and Rear Cockpit.
- Independent engine controls and afterburners

Pacific Islands Simulation - Xiamen Intl. Airport (ZSAM) Released

Pacific Islands Simulation has released Xiamen International Airport (ZSAM) for FSX. Now available at SimMarket.

Scenery Features:
- Accurate airport terminal buildings, hangars (Taeco Engineering and Xiamen Airlines) and freight warehouses;
- Haicang Bridge and Wu Yuan Bridge;
- Custom vegetation;
- Volumetric grass;
- Realistic night lighting ambiance;
- 15cm/pixel photoreal landclass;
- Season coloration typical of the region;
- Framerate-friendly;
- Static vehicles and airplanes;
- AI boats and road traffic;
- Weathered runway and apron markings;
- Custom highrise buildings correctly placed along approach paths;
- Product will be AES compatible in the near future;
- ....and more.

Sim Skunk Works AV-8B Harrier II for FSX Released

Sim Skunk Works has released the McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II for FSX. Details at the SSW Website.

Freeware Chita Kadala Airport (UIAA) for FS2004

The freeware Chita Kadala Airport (UIAA) scenery for FS2004 is now available to download at AVSIMrus.

Freeware Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport 2011 (UNNT) for FSX

The freeware Tolmachevo TEAM Novosibirsk Airport 2011 (UNNT) has been adapted for use in FSX. AVSIMrus

Freeware Beloyarsky Airport (USHQ) for FSX

The freeware Beloyarsky Airport (USHQ) scenery is now also available for FSX. Download at AVSIMrus.

Freeware Riga International Airport (EVRA) for X-Plane

The freeware Riga International Airport (EVRA) scenery for X-Plane is now available at AVSIMrus and

RealAir Simulations - Duke Price Reductions

RealAir Simulations is now offering up to 25% off on the Beechcraft B60 Duke and Turbine Duke for FSX.

Nemeth Designs Mil Mi-24 and Bell 407 for FSX Announced

Nemeth Designs has announced development of the Mil Helicopters Mi-24 Hind and Bell Helicopter 407 for FSX.

Oryx Simulation Kelowna X (CYLW) 2012 Edition Released

Oryx Simulation has released Kelowna X (CYLW) 2012 Edition for FSX, FS2004 and Prepar3D. Product Page - SimMarket

Scenery Features:
- Highly realistic Rendition of Kelowna Airport
- All Buildings carefully modelled
- High Resolution Aerial Images
- Seasonal Textures
- Custom Shadows
- Custom Static Aircraft
- Volumetric Grass
- Terminal Interior
- Adjusted Roads
- ORBX NRM Compatible.

Mile High Simulations NAS Key West (KNQX) for FSX Released

Mile High Simulations has released the NAS Key West (KNQX) scenery for FSX. Available to purchase at SimMarket.

Scenery Features:
- Handplaced an buildingsAutogen to match reality
- Photorealistics Buildings, accurate as reality
- Night Textures
- Numerous Static Aircraft such as Super Hornets, Navy Tigers, C2A Greyhound, Gulfstream G-159, SH-60 SeaHawk, HH-60 Jayhawk and much more
- Accurate Aprons and Taxiways
- Many Goodies and eye candies such as Marshalls, US Navy Personel and other objects to make the scenery more immersive
- Scenery developed to be "FPS Friendly"

NMG Trading Father's Day Special

NMG Trading is offering 25% discounts on all scenery products during this year's Father's Day Special sale.

Khamsin - Pacific Islands - Munda Airfield (AGGM) - More Teasers

Khamsin Studio has posted more teasers from the Pacific Islands Munda Airfield (AGGM) scenery for X-Plane 10.

LatinVFR Cozumel International Airport (MMCZ) - First Pictures

LatinVFR has posted first pictures from the upcoming Cozumel International Airport (MMCZ) for FSX and FS2004.

Orbx Migrator Tool for Prepar3D - Version 1.30 Available

Orbx has updated the Migrator Tool for Prepar3D to version 1.30. Details and download in the Orbx Forums.

Orbx FTX Australia Traffic Pack Updated to Verison 3.23

Orbx has updated the FTX Australia Traffic Pack for FSX to version 3.23. Download at the Orbx Website.

Changes in version 3.23:
- Flight plans completely rewritten for Qantas, Qantaslink, Virgin Australia and Tiger Airways.
- New flight schedules for Air Asia.
- Virgin Australia ATR 72-500 aircraft added.
- Air Australia aircraft and schedules removed.
- Aardvark FSX AI models used in place of the older PAI FS9 ones.
- The Fruit Stand A380 AI model now used. This is a significant improvement over the earlier model.
- A little under 200 New Zealand GA aircraft variations and associated flight plans added.
- Lots of other improvements including new prop textures and improved texture files for most of the single engine Cessna aircraft.

FranceVFR PACA Photo HD Vol.2 for FSX - Now Available

FranceVFR has released the PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) Photo HD Vol.2 for FSX. Product Page - SimMarket

Scenery Features:
- High resolution photoreal scenery covering a French region.
- 0.85 to 1 meter resolution ground texture made from aerial photography (IGN) retreated for an optimal visual rendition in FSX (summer only).
- High resolution real 19 meter (LOD11) optimized custom mesh incuded.
- All lakes and rivers have been entirely cut out and faithfully represented, reworked with bodies of landable water.
- Water transparency effects for the whole scenery coverage.
- Optional Waterclass and original water texture provided (depending on regions).
- Extremely precise geo-referenced texture positionning is carried out in order to ensure a maximal compatibility with scenery add-ons for this region.
- Process development is fully conform to the FSX SDK, ensuring a maximal compatibility with future versions of Flight Simulator.
- Open scenery concept allows an easy integration of scenery add-ons from other editors.

FSDG Sharm el-Sheikh 2012 (HESH) - More Teasers

FlightSim Development Group has posted more preview teasers from Sharm el-Sheikh Intl. Airport 2012 (HESH).

FS Magazin - Issue 4 2012 Available

FS Magazin - Issue 4 2012 (german language only) is now available to purchase at SimMarket.

Bear Studios Sukhoi Su-27 for FSX - Under Development

Bear Studios is apparently developing the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker for FSX. Development screenshots are available here.

Ground Environment X Europe V2.3 - More Screenshots

More preview screenshots have been posted from version 2.3 update to Ground Environment X (GEX) Europe.

EasyNavs Version 3.10 for FSX and FS2004 Available

Hervé Sors has released EasyNavs version 3.10 for FSX and FS2004 on his website. Flight Simulator Navaids Page

Version 3.10 Changelog:
- New visual interface and fonts for improved lisibility
BGLNavEditor version 1.50
- New visual interface and fonts for improved lisibility
- Corrects a few display and action bugs
ILS Inspector version 1.03
- Display fonts
BGL Magnetic Variation Corrector version 1.05
- Information and warnings
- Remove 2005 magnetic variation correction
- Display settings

Drzewiecki Design - Warsaw City 2012 - New Screenshots

Drzewiecki Design has posted more development screenshots from the Warsaw City 2012 scenery for FSX and FS2004.

Carenado Cessna CT182T Skylane - Interior Pictures

Carenado has posted several interior pictures from the upcoming Cessna CT182T Skylane G1000 for FSX.

CaptainSim Boeing 777-200 Base Pack V0.3 Beta Available

CaptainSim has updated the experimental Boeing 777-200 Base Pack for FSX to version 0.3 beta. Details Here

- F/O seat up-down fwd-bwd animation added
- Both pilots' seats leftside up-down control handle fix
- Standby compass night lighting added
- Right tank fuel consumption fix
- Control wheels smooth movement on autopilot added
- Throttles smooth movement on A/T added
- "Hard Lock" - "Unlock" tooltips fix
- Spoilers lever animation when plane is on ground fix
- No turn during pushback fix
- Engine EEC switches default position fix
- ADIRU switch default position fix
- Spoilers logics improved
- Flaperons drop with Hydraulic OFF added
- Elevator drop with Hydraulic OFF added
- Flight Manual Part II short version released.

Freeware Kindersley Regional Airport (CYKY) for FS2004

Gregory Putz has released the freeware Kindersley Regional Airport (CYKY) scenery for FS2004. Download at AVSIM

Ant's Freeware Ballina Byron Gateway Airport (YBNA) Released

Anthony has released the freeware Ballina Byron Gateway Airport (YBNA) scenery for FSX. Ants - AVSIM - OZx

Alabeo Cessna 188 Crop Duster - More Preview Screenshots

Alabeo has posted more preview screenshots from the soon to be released Cessna 188 Crop Duster for FSX.

Akesoft Freeware Jerez Airport (LEJR) for FS2004 Released

Akesoft has released the freeware Jerez Airport (LEJR) for FS2004 (FSX version soon). Details and Download

Aerosoft Bari 'Karol Wojtyła' Airport (LIBD) for FSX Released

Aerosoft has released Bari 'Karol Wojtyła' Airport (LIBD) for FSX. Now available at Aerosoft and SimMarket.

Scenery Features:
- Detailed reconstruction of the airport including all airport institutions
- Taxiway- and runway signs according to charts
- Photo real textures on buildings, vehicles, etc
- Seasonal ground textures (0.5m per pixel)
- Apron with realistically rendered textures
- Day- and night textures in high resolution
- Realistic navigational aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS)
- Fully compatible with the standard AI-traffic and AI-traffic add-ons (e.g. MyTraffic X)
- AESLite for dynamic ground traffic on the apron and surrounding roads
- Manual and Charts (German, English)

Aerosoft Airport Zurich (LSZH) for X-Plane 10 Released

Aerosoft has released Airport Zurich (LSZH) for X-Plane 10. Available at the Aerosoft Online Shop and SimMarket.

Scenery Features:
- All buildings and airport institutions
- Photo real high resolution textures on buildings, vehicles, ground, etc
- Hundreds of taxiway- and runway signs according to charts
- Airport roads with road sign markings
- Optimized frame rate
- Manual in German and English, Charts included

Aeroplane Heaven Development Shutting Down

The Aeroplane Heaven Team has announced the end of development. Current products and support will still be available.

Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold Edition - Available for $30

Microsoft's Flight Simulator X Gold Edition is still available to purchase for only $30 at the Games Marketplace.

A_A Sceneries - Macau Intl. Airport (VMMC) - More FSX Previews

A_A Sceneries has added more previews from the upcoming Macau International Airport (VMMC) scenery for FSX.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Leading Edge Simulations Cessna Citation II Announced

Leading Edge Simulations has announced development of the Cessna Citation II for X-Plane 10.

AeroSim Kansai International Airport (RJBB) for FSX Updated

AeroSim has updated the Kansai International Airport (RJBB) scenery for FSX. Details and Download

- The default bridge between the airport and the opposite shore is completely removed from the Kansai Scenery.
- The waypoints in the vicinity of airport are modified.