The interior cockpit is fully 3D, fully animated, all the onboard systems are functioning and have been played as the flight manual dictates.
The external model is 100% compliant with the real model, all systems have been implemented
The model is fully configurable with external load and fuel
Weapon systems have been implemented, the model is able to drop weapon with visible ground effects both in single and multiplayer envinroment.
Weapon drop has a true impact on areodynamics since station loads are really dropped.
Aerodynamics model is 99% compliant with the real bird and certified by real "zipper" pilots,
the model is 99% compliant with real performances tables and real test flight data.
All peculiar aerodynamic behaviours of the zipper have been reproduced, adverse yaw, pitch-up, blc rolls etc..
J79-19 engine performance fully compliant with the real engine
Last but not the least the model is very light, a friend of your frame rate, no frame loss in single player, negligible in multiplayer.
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