Aircraft Features:
- High quality 3D model
- High resolution glass EFIS panels, with double FSX resolution, 6 screens to choose from.
- Many custom animations including landing gear, thrust reversers, all doors, 2 position rear ramp, flaps, speed brakes.
- High quality animated, folding HUD with 3 de-clutter modes.
- Realistic handling including modelling of brown-flap high lift wings.
- Unique custom animated 3D menu for easy access to door animations, Fuel load, Payload
- Detailed and functional Autopilot panel.
- Detailed Standby Engine display with preset thrust level buttons.
- Functional FMS computer - Plugin enhanced systems for greater system functionality.
- Quality digital back-lit lighting night lighting - Cockpit floor lighting and cargo hold lighting
- Custom viewpoint buttons.
- Mission computers
- Detailed combination Nav/Com/ADF/Transponder radio.
- Flare deployment.
- Exterior lighting designed to get the best from HDR in X-Plane 10.
- Detailed startup procedure - - Custom warnings and caution panel.
- Unique drag-adjust trim gauges.
- Toggle hide control column and folding seat arms.
- Interactive cargo load dependent on weight.
- Cabin Pressure Panel, Windscreen wipers, Adjustable pedals, Functional fire extinguishers.
- Interior and exterior cockpit models to maximize frame rate.
- Exterior flood lighting - Exterior 'slime' lighting
- 12 liveries with bump maps
- 30 page user manual with full checklist.
- High quality 3D model
- High resolution glass EFIS panels, with double FSX resolution, 6 screens to choose from.
- Many custom animations including landing gear, thrust reversers, all doors, 2 position rear ramp, flaps, speed brakes.
- High quality animated, folding HUD with 3 de-clutter modes.
- Realistic handling including modelling of brown-flap high lift wings.
- Unique custom animated 3D menu for easy access to door animations, Fuel load, Payload
- Detailed and functional Autopilot panel.
- Detailed Standby Engine display with preset thrust level buttons.
- Functional FMS computer - Plugin enhanced systems for greater system functionality.
- Quality digital back-lit lighting night lighting - Cockpit floor lighting and cargo hold lighting
- Custom viewpoint buttons.
- Mission computers
- Detailed combination Nav/Com/ADF/Transponder radio.
- Flare deployment.
- Exterior lighting designed to get the best from HDR in X-Plane 10.
- Detailed startup procedure - - Custom warnings and caution panel.
- Unique drag-adjust trim gauges.
- Toggle hide control column and folding seat arms.
- Interactive cargo load dependent on weight.
- Cabin Pressure Panel, Windscreen wipers, Adjustable pedals, Functional fire extinguishers.
- Interior and exterior cockpit models to maximize frame rate.
- Exterior flood lighting - Exterior 'slime' lighting
- 12 liveries with bump maps
- 30 page user manual with full checklist.
I have to say, just a few words.. I LOVE IT!!! it feels heavy flying it even knowing it's just a simulator.. INCREDIBLE, you guys totally did a great job on this one.. still trying to master it with heavy load, been flying it since I purchased it on Friday, I couldn't wait to get home from work.. :) thanks guys, AWESOME job!!!